A Northwest Appellate

Law Firm

I’m an experienced appellate lawyer who represents individuals, companies, and special interest groups at the Washington State Court of Appeals, Washington State Supreme Court, and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. I can help you navigate the complexities inherent in appellate litigation whether you looking to appeal a lower court’s decision, defend a court order, or challenge a law,

Why Choose Me as Your Appellate Lawyer?

I’ve handled more than 70 appeals across Washington State including all divisions of the Washington State Court of Appeals and the Washington State Supreme Court. With a deep understanding of the nuances between appellate and trial litigation, I can guide clients through the complexities of the appellate process, ensuring that every argument is presented effectively and every procedural rule is meticulously followed. My expertise lies in recognizing the distinct nature of appellate litigation, from the specific rules of appellate procedure to the strategic presentation of issues and legal analysis, positioning me as an invaluable asset in navigating the appellate landscape.

Civil Services

  • I help individual or companies appeal an administrative order to the next highest authority.

  • I assist individuals and companies appeal issues involving commercial disputes such as contracts, lease agreements, licensing requirements, or business dissolutions.

  • I help individuals or companis in appealing issues involving Washington State’s Consumer Protection Act.

  • I assist in filing appeals that involve constitutional rights such as Freedom of Speech.

  • I help individuals appeal issues involving employment issues involving the Washington Law Against Discrimination (WLAD) which includes race-discrimination, sex discrimination, or wrongful termination.

  • I assist individuals and companies in appealing issues involving real estate disputes and real estate transactions.

Criminal Service

Post-Conviction Appeal

I help individuals who have been found guilty of commiting a crime whether in Washington State or the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Appellate Law Differences

Appellate litigation is different than trial litigation. The rules on appeal (RAPs) are different. The purpose of an appeal is different. The issues and legal analysis are presented differently. A knowledgeable appellate lawyer who understands these distinctions will effectively navigate you through the appellate process.

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